Kathryn Wellen
Kathryn Wellen received her bachelor’s degree from the College of William and Mary. She then went on to Harvard University for graduate school, where she trained in the laboratory of Dr. Gokhan S. Hotamisligil. Her PhD thesis work focused on elucidating links between inflammation and insulin resistance in obesity. Following completion of her PhD in 2006, she joined the laboratory of Dr. Craig B. Thompson at the University of Pennsylvania for postdoctoral work in cancer cell metabolism. During her time in the Thompson lab, she became interested in acetyl-CoA metabolism and its role in coordinating metabolism and signaling through protein acetylation- a research focus that she has continued in her own laboratory. In 2011, Dr. Wellen joined the Department of Cancer Biology and the Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine as Assistant Professor. Since starting her faculty position, she has received several honors, including selection as a William Guy Forbeck Scholar and a Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences.